How To Apply

Click here to download our application in PDF format.

Click here to download the HUD emergency contact form.

Click here to download the HUD “debts owed” form.

Print these out, fill them out, then either:

Option 1

1) Mail it to us :

Jefferson Housing Authority
431 N. Elizabeth Avenue
Jefferson, Wisconsin 53549

or 2) Scan it and email it so us at

Option 2

Stop by River Crest Apartments and pick up an application. You will find paper applications on the 1st floor to the left of the office window.

Need Help?

If you have a disability and need our help to complete an application, please call us at (920) 674-5294 and we will provide any help you need.


Application FAQ

Does the Housing Authority provide emergency housing?

  • The Housing Authority does not provide emergency housing and all programs have eligibility criteria. We recommend you contact the organizations on the Resources page.

Does the Housing Authority have preferences for the waiting list?

  • We give local preference to income-eligible households with a member who is 62 years of age or older and/or a person with disabilities of any age, Veterans and families of Veterans, and victims of domestic abuse.  Any and all low-income households may apply even if they do not qualify for a preference.

How long does it take to get into the rental housing program?

  • The wait for housing varies, depending on unit turnover, length of waiting list and the unit size needed. Typically, the length of time from application to being housed is anywhere from 3 months to a year.
  • Applicants that do not qualify for a local preference should expect longer wait periods.
  • Keep in mind that this wait period is for selection from the waitlist and does not mean you will be offered a unit after this wait.  When your name comes up to the top of the waitlist, the Housing Authority will schedule a meeting to sign the necessary forms and collect your income, asset and household documentation. The Housing Authority will then proceed with verifications and eligibility screening, which takes approximately one to two weeks.

What will happen next after I submit my application?

  • You will receive written notice or an email from the Housing Authority to acknowledge our receipt of your application. That letter will give you preliminary information on whether you appear to be eligible. It will also state whether additional information is needed or if the application is incomplete.